
Romantic bouquet with sweet blush pink spray roses, white blooms and seasonal foliage.

Please Note: Bouquet shown in picture is medium size. Vase not included.


Romantic bouquet with sweet blush pink spray roses, white blooms and seasonal foliage.

Please Note: Bouquet shown in picture is medium size. Vase not included.


DELUXE $230.00, Large -$195.00, Medium -$150.00, Small – $110.00

  • Nicolette Reiss
    (verified owner)

    I was advised by a friend that these were the best flowers in Bermuda and I ordered this arrangement for someone living close by which means I could see how the actual delivery and photo compared. I was delighted to see that the bouquet lived up to its photograph – they were stunning and the prices are comparable with other flower sellers on island. I also like that every arrangement provides the option of a vase as they are not wanted when sending flowers to people’s homes usually as we all have vases!

    • Steven Faries

      HI Nicolette

      Thank you for your review and kind comments, we strive our best to insure the final products lives up to the advertised floral arrangement. Thank you for your support and business.

      Exclusive Flowers

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